(07-28-2011 一心)
上網聞思挪威近日慘案,讀到《紐約時報》的一則報導(Steven Erlanger and Scott Shane, July 23, 2011),引述挪威射擊協會秘書長Arild Groven的話:「我們過去都在新聞中看到在美國發生的槍擊案,但認為槍擊案不會在這裡發生。」挪威防禦研究機構研究員Anders Romarheim也表示,某個層面來說,此樁攻擊事件「國產」的本質,使挪威人更難以接受:「美國的911事件,人們可以問:『他們是誰?』然後將憤怒全然發洩於他者,但此刻我們無法不承認(disavow)這個人,因為,他是我們之中的一個。」"With 9/11 in America, people could ask, `Who are they?' and could pour out their rage on someone else. But we can't disavow this person - he's one of us."
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7月23日,在挪威首都奧斯陸,一位於特島槍擊案生還者與其父親擁抱。 |
此人是挪威版的麥克維(Timothy McVeigh)麥克維是1995年4月19日 美國奧克拉荷馬州聯邦政府爆炸案主犯,爆炸事件造成168人死亡,其中包括19名兒童,500多人受傷。是美國75年以來最嚴重的一次恐怖主義襲擊的爆炸事件。
The attack was squarely aimed at the values Norwegians treasure most. Their openness, freedom of expression and feeling of safety have all been shaken to the core.
On Utøya Island politically active youngsters gather every summer to play football, participate in debates and meet the Labour Party leadership, former and present. In the words of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, what was once a paradise for young people has been turned into hell.
“We must never give up our values.
We must show that our open society can pass this test too.
That the answer to violence is even more democracy.
Even more humanity. But never naivity.
That is something we owe the victims and their families.”
- Prime Minister Stoltenberg, 22:00, 22, July, 2011
We must show that our open society can pass this test too.
That the answer to violence is even more democracy.
Even more humanity. But never naivity.
That is something we owe the victims and their families.”
- Prime Minister Stoltenberg, 22:00, 22, July, 2011
不久挪威外長出面召開記者會說:「明天你見到的挪威,又會是你認識的挪威….. 挪威民主的本質不會改變。挪威會站起來繼續參與世界,投入我們的資源與信念。」
“The Norway that you meet tomorrow will be recognizable. We will stand up for the values that made the island Utøya possible. The Labour youth movement has expressed very clearly that “we will take Utøya back』. The youth of Norway will take Utøya back and we will help them in doing so. The nature of the Norwegian democracy will not change. Norway will continue to stand for engagement in the world where we commit our resources and our convictions.”
- Foreign Affair Minister, Mr. Jonas Gahr Støre, 14:30 23 July 2011
- Foreign Affair Minister, Mr. Jonas Gahr Støre, 14:30 23 July 2011
後來挪威國王King Harald出面,很溫暖地說:「我們需要用很長的時間來消化、適應這些記憶、悲痛、跟感受…。」但他也呼喚道「我堅信,自由比恐懼更強大…」
“We will use a long time to digest and adapt to impressions, grief, and feelings. People all over the country have lost someone they love. Many children and young people are frightened today. We must take special care of them,”
“The Norwegian Peoples’ strength, bravery, and solidarity become apparent when our nation is put to the test…. I hold fast in the belief that freedom is stronger than fear, in an open Norwegian democracy and society, in our possibility to live free and securely in our own country.”
- HRH King Harald
“We should not let fear paralyse our ability to think clearly and wisely…”
- Harald Stanghelle, political editor of the daily Aftenbladet
“We should not let fear paralyse our ability to think clearly and wisely…”
- Harald Stanghelle, political editor of the daily Aftenbladet
“we must avoid being preoccupied by fear, like the US was after 11 September 2001. Rather, we must look toSpain and England and how the people of those nations recovered their freedom after the horrible terrorist acts”
- Lars Helle, editor of the daily Dagbladet
“we must avoid being preoccupied by fear, like the US was after 11 September 2001. Rather, we must look to
- Lars Helle, editor of the daily Dagbladet