(05-16-2011 蕭文婷)
看到WHO把台灣當作中國一省的新聞,想到的是羅斯福總統夫人一句深獲我心的話:沒有你的允許,沒有人可以輕視你(No one can put you down without your permission.)。
中國打壓台灣的國際空間,行之有年,然而要遵守「化獨漸統」遺訓的孝子馬英九捍衛台灣主權,台語叫阿婆仔生子,免想;英文說法叫You can’t get blood from a turnip:從大頭菜擠不出半滴血啦!可是,這並不是說我們就這樣吞下去了,為台灣正名,其實是人人都隨時隨地可做的事。 過去幾年,FAPA(台灣人公共事務協會)曾分別去函美國國土保安部、郵政總署、Amtrak(美國國鐵)、NASA(太空總署)等,為台灣正名,這些單位也都從善如流;其他包括蘋果電腦、銀行、郵輪公司等私人機構,也都因應FAPA要求,稱台灣為「台灣」,而不是任何亂七八糟的名稱。
經驗告訴我,當我們看重自己、看重台灣時,No one can put you down!盼望大家一起努力DIY,在生活中隨時隨地為台灣正名!
(作者為醫師,美國台僑)http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2011/new/may/16/today-o5.htm 筆者到移民局辦證件,發現辦事員把我的國籍(country of origin) 寫成China,我馬上跟她更正說我來自台灣,還好護照有加註「台灣」,也就順利改正了!還有工作上做安全查核時,台灣不在選項上,我就填「其他」再加註台灣;訂閱的雜誌把台灣讀者投稿國家別寫「Province of China」,我去函抗議,雜誌也很快更正。
會做這些,自然而然的,因為打從心底不希望被當成中國人(筆者所有的美國同事、朋友都知道台灣跟中國的區別);出門搭飛機時也善用機會介紹台灣,宣傳的對象包括美國航空退休機長、尼爾遜公司駐比利時員工、紐約的高中生等;在商店簽信用卡有時店員會問名字怎麼念,我總告訴他們:我來自台灣。六月四日 即將在DC舉行的 Race for Cure,是美國的大型慈善活動,各媒體都會報導,去年鄉親組成的「台灣隊」(Team Taiwan)讓「台灣」的名號清楚呈現,今年再接再厲,藉活動為台灣正名。
看到WHO把台灣當作中國一省的新聞,想到的是羅斯福總統夫人一句深獲我心的話:沒有你的允許,沒有人可以輕視你(No one can put you down without your permission.)。
中國打壓台灣的國際空間,行之有年,然而要遵守「化獨漸統」遺訓的孝子馬英九捍衛台灣主權,台語叫阿婆仔生子,免想;英文說法叫You can’t get blood from a turnip:從大頭菜擠不出半滴血啦!可是,這並不是說我們就這樣吞下去了,為台灣正名,其實是人人都隨時隨地可做的事。 過去幾年,FAPA(台灣人公共事務協會)曾分別去函美國國土保安部、郵政總署、Amtrak(美國國鐵)、NASA(太空總署)等,為台灣正名,這些單位也都從善如流;其他包括蘋果電腦、銀行、郵輪公司等私人機構,也都因應FAPA要求,稱台灣為「台灣」,而不是任何亂七八糟的名稱。
經驗告訴我,當我們看重自己、看重台灣時,No one can put you down!盼望大家一起努力DIY,在生活中隨時隨地為台灣正名!
(作者為醫師,美國台僑)http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2011/new/may/16/today-o5.htm 筆者到移民局辦證件,發現辦事員把我的國籍(country of origin) 寫成China,我馬上跟她更正說我來自台灣,還好護照有加註「台灣」,也就順利改正了!還有工作上做安全查核時,台灣不在選項上,我就填「其他」再加註台灣;訂閱的雜誌把台灣讀者投稿國家別寫「Province of China」,我去函抗議,雜誌也很快更正。
「人必自重而後人重之」,為臺灣發聲,請寫信給世衛組織WHO(info@who.int) 表達抗議,以下有3個樣本可參酌。
I am writing to protest your referring Taiwan as "Province of China " in your memo dated September 14th, 2010. It is of course an incontestable reality that Taiwan is NOT a province of China .
I urge you correct this mistake and refer Taiwan simply as "Taiwan ". I thank you for your consideration and look forward to hearing from you.
Taiwanese people are deeply troubled by the WHO’s statement that refers to Taiwan as a "Province of China ". While Taiwan was misidentified as the "Republic of China" by the Nationalist Party after World War II, People’s Republic of China has NEVER had any authority toward Taiwan . Taiwan is a actual sovereign state with a population of 23 million. To call Taiwan a province of China is a blatant insult to the 23 million citizens of Taiwan .
We express our strong opposition to such misnomer and urge the WHO to right the wrong soon.
As a Taiwanese, I must express my strongest opposition and protest to the WHO memo dated September 14, 2010 which states that procedures used by the WHO to facilitate relations with Taiwan were subject to Chinese approval and it instructs its agencies to refer to Taiwan as a "province of China ". This form of hegemony is destructive and unjust.
This attempt to diminish Taiwan in the eyes of the international community will not go unnoticed. Known as the "Republic of China" after World War II , Taiwan is a virbant democracy with de-facto statehood. The twenty-three million people in Taiwan are NOT and have NEVER been subject to the rule of the Chinese government. To call Taiwan a "Province of China " is the ultimate insult to the 23 million citizens in Taiwan .
I sincerely hope WHO will correct this mistake and issue a formal apology to the people of Taiwan .
開頭可加To Whom It May Concern或Dear Sir/Madam,信後寫Cordially yours, 或Sincerely yours, 結尾署名最好加單位職稱及連絡方式。